WAKIMWA organized the meal service to homeless people for one of the WAKIMWA volunteer event on July 13th 2017. Photographs with WAKIMWA Members at the event.
Author: wakimwa
The summer camp sponsored by APCC
The summer camp sponsored by Asia Pacific Cultural Center.
held a Korea day on 5th of July
The kids enjoy the variety of activities.
i.e. sewing. Korean history and language. Korean pancake cooking and testing . games.
They also had a fun with the Korean traditional bride & groom’s customs and they had their pictures taken with their faces in cutouts.
It was a fun day for both the kids and the WA kimwa
APCC Summer Camp 한국전통문화체험
APCC Summer Camp 에서 각나라 문화체험 프로그램이있었는데 7월5일에 한국의 전통문화를 알리고자 한국예절, 딱지놀이, 바느질, 한국역사, 기초한글, 부침게만들기/시식, 한국숫자,재기차기, 다도회 등 … 학생들과 한미여성회 임원님들 의 진지한 모습들