Category: 행사 동영상

불우이웃돕기 성금모금 1차 행사

Another successful yard sale, to help the needy children of the Intermarried families in Korea, was held on 23 & 24 July 2022. Under the excellent leadership of our President, Su Baker, the members of the WA Korean Inter-Married Women’s Association worked tirelessly for two days.
Thanks to their selfless long hours of efforts, we have exceeded our goal.
워싱턴주 한미여성회
불우이웃돕기 성금모금 1차 행사
야드세일: 7월 23&24일 모습

72nd Anniversary of the Korean War Ceremony held at the Capitol ground in Olympia

The members of the WA Korean Inter-married Women’s Association have attended the 72nd Anniversary of the Korean War Ceremony held at the Capitol ground in Olympia.
제 72주년 6.25 참전 기념 헌화식:
워싱턴주 올림피아 주 청사에서 열린 행사에 참석한 워싱턴주 한미여성회 모습.
다시는 6.25 같은 전쟁없는
평화의 나라되길 소원하며…