Category: 뉴스

Visiting Washington State soldiers Home

The WaKimwa Volunteers visited the Washington State soldiers Home in Orting on 27th July. They help 25 veterans with fishing at the pond on the premises.
Due to their physical Limitations, Most veterans were in a wheelchair, So they were very happy to be outdoors. Some of them fought during the Korean War, And some were stationed in Korea during Peace time. After the fishing trip, The volunteers served lunch they felt so blessed to have had an opportunity to be able to spend time with these Heroes. They expressed their
gratitude to the Veterans for serving in Korea and for serving for the Peace of the


한미여성회 북부지부 월례회

한미여성회 북부지부 회원님들 월례회 모임후

WAKIMWA organized the meal service to homeless people

WAKIMWA organized the meal service to homeless people for one of the WAKIMWA volunteer event on July 13th 2017. Photographs with WAKIMWA Members at the event.

The summer camp sponsored by APCC

The summer camp sponsored by Asia Pacific Cultural Center.
held a Korea day on 5th of July
The kids enjoy the variety of activities.
i.e. sewing. Korean history and language. Korean pancake cooking and testing . games.
They also had a fun with the Korean traditional bride & groom’s customs and they had their pictures taken with their faces in cutouts.

It was a fun day for both the kids and the WA kimwa

캐나다 동굴온천

한미여성회에서 6월15일에서 6월17일간 2박3일로 캐나다 동굴온천 여름일정을 무사히마치고 돌아왔습니다. 협회의친목도모에 참여해주신 회원님들께 감사드립니다.